The Journey Begins

Blog Post for 2/26/24 

The For Sale sign went up yesterday.  

You see, a blog has to start somewhere.  Perhaps we should have started it with the decision to move.  That would have been, I don't know, several years ago, when we started looking at hobby farms.  Or perhaps when I got covid in 2022 which lead to my heart failure in early 2023, when we really decided to get moving.  Or last summer, 2023, when I was finally able to do things again, and started packing.  I don't know.  

I am not sure when we started the whole stuff-purging, packing, and cleaning process in the house.  I have my color journal for this year, started in June 2023, which has packing goals in it for the month of June.  I can't imagine I started any earlier than that, because I had just started back to work the end of April, and it was really kicking my butt, and I couldn't do much more than work, drive, and sleep.  So, maybe the blog should have started then. 

I don't know.  But now seems like a better time than any.  It's a milestone to finally get the house on the market after all the literal blood, sweat, and tears that went into getting it ready.  And sale of the house will be the jump-start that will allow us to make real plans.  

Our plan for this blog is to document our move from Colorado to Wisconsin, and what we do thereafter to reach our healthy lifestyle goals.  We plan on walking through the decision to leave, including all the reasons, and the decision on where we wanted to go and how we came to that conclusion, all the little crazy decisions along the way, the colossal and numerous setbacks, the worries, the strengths, and everything we can think of.  At the very least, this will be a history for our grandkids to enjoy.  At the most, it will be a fun project that perhaps we can turn into a thriving venture that will sustain us throughout our later working years and retirement. 

We plan to add pictures and videos as much as possible to help you understand the story better.   

We plan to post every day, because at this point, we think every day there will be a development that will impact the move.  

So here's today's post:  

The boxes and boxes of VHS tapes got gone yesterday.  We are totally happy about that.  There were over 200 of them, not including Bryan's Star Trek collection.  That would be 79 tapes, 3 seasons.  The lucky guy got them for free.  We do not have time to stand around and think we are going to get money for our stuff, so we gave most of it away.  Didn't matter anyway.  Someone will get happiness out of it, won't they?  So, it all was gladly given to that end. Win-Win for everyone involved.  

While we were gone, halfway to Denver to deliver the tapes, Shea put the for-sale sign up and we think did more photography in the house.  We asked her if the asking price we decided on was good.  I know I should not read into what little info I got from her text, but I almost felt she thought the price was too much.  That niggled me for a good part of the day, but when we got home from Dumont (the halfway place) I looked at the comps on all the real estate sites and apps, and I really think ours is competitively priced.  We will see.

The Sales Agreement is ready to sign, and Bryan and I will sign it when he gets home.  

Today will make up for being gone all day yesterday.  Bryan went to work.  I have a to-do list about 80 miles long that includes a lot of work to get ready, of course.  And one of those things was to start this blog..... 

Bryan says.....Ditto.  



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