They Dug Up The Street
When we moved into the house, there were utility locates all over. Paint and flags and such. They dug up a few places at either end of the street, did their work and then left, never digging up where they had marked on our property. A week later, the "Road Closed" signs went up at both ends of our street. This was like, June. And nothing happened.
We were wondering if we got away easy.
Until last week.
Suddenly we are a hive of activity.
The first day, they dug up all the sod along the street. They put up temporary mail boxes at both ends of the street, and the post office left us a notice about where to go to get mail, and that packages would be held at the PO.
Now the pavement is completely gone.
As time has gone by this week, the construction zone has gotten more and more torn up. Pipes laid out everywhere. Giant concrete culverts are stacked along the way. Man holes sticking up with traffic cones on them. Those giant steel plate ditch-shoring boxes that they use to keep trenches from caving in, 3 or 4 of those. Three giant excavators. Dump trucks. It's a muddy road base mess out there.
They laid out a PVC line that lays on top of the grass, supposedly to give us temporary water while this is all torn up. It goes continuously over the driveways, where they hilled up the road base so you can drive over it. At intervals, there's a valve and a white garden hose coming off it at each home.
They knocked our mailbox over and threw it up on the lawn.
Then they turned off the water. And left it off for over 24 hours. Finally Bryan called the city of Park Falls to find out what they were doing. They talked like we knew all about it and sort of yelled at Bryan for "not being home" so they could turn it back on. He was home that day, so we don't know what they are talking about. Time to get a Ring Doorbell System. Anyway, they came to turn it on for us. It's bleachy, but it's ok. Glad our Bry is somewhat of a prepper. We have a bunch of drinking water stashed.
So, they've done all of this with NO notification of any kind to us. No letters. No notices. No notes on the door. It's kind of made us mad.
But, I guess we should have seen it coming with the road closed signs there. I sure wish they would have put something on their website or something. We keep seeing a few things about other neighborhoods or the YMCA they are building or the big parks and rec project down town, but not a word about our neighborhood. It's really weird.
But anyway, our procrastination has saved us a lot of heartache. We didn't get the raised beds filled and placed, but now, if they have to lay another water line, they can be moved. Dodged that bullet. And they didn't chop down any of our trees. They cut a few out of yards on the other side of the street. We can at least still get into the driveway. Hope that doesn't change.
The pictures don't do it justice, and I couldn't get close to the really bad part today where we can't get through.
In the end, we will have a nice new water/sewer system and a newly paved street. And maybe a new piece of driveway, we'll see. Hoping it's over soon. The whole above ground water PVC would imply that it will be done before freezing weather. Holey cow, I hope that is true, or we will have real issues.
So....just a little road block to add to all the others. We are doing fine otherwise and that's what matters. We are trying to be cheerful despite the muddy mess!
More later, sorry I don't post as often as I like. Please comment and share!
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