A few general updates...and the greatly anticipated Wildlife Update!

First of all, general updates: Dishwasher and disposal are installed and operational! All plumbing and electrical working smoothly. I have run the dishwasher twice, and all seems to be working just great! Now Bryan has to rebuild the cupboard and drawer. Then I can do more unpacking! Speaking of unpacking, another load of spent cardboard went to the recycle place this week. Parts are here to fix the John Deere. But SOMEBODY has been at work the past couple days, so he won't get it fixed until HIS weekends (Monday/Tuesday for now). It's so nice that he's working! Takes the edge off our worries! No rototilling yet. Too wet. On Tuesday night 5/21, there was the crazy continuous thunderstorm, and it rained buckets...and buckets.....and buckets. It didn't let up for maybe 3 hours or so. I went to the first Farmer's Market of the season on Wednesday 5/22. It's like 3 blocks from our house....