First Planting!
A couple updates:
Bryan finally had his transfer from Kroger go through. He started at Pick 'n Save on Sunday 5/19. The pay isn't great, and he lost his seniority and his vacation time, but he gets to keep his benefits. It's a huge relief that we will have some money coming in, and we will have our medical and dental insurance. Our attitude about is, "It's about FREAKING time!" It took way too long, but at least it's done now and we can move forward.
As for my job hunting, the Barry Weymiller job was put on hold until after June 1. I am still in the running, but they are had a bunch of people go on vacation, so they won't make a decision on it until then. I interviewed yesterday to be a Deputy Clerk of the Court for Price County. I think it went OK. It's another job that could go either way. I also went in person to do an application for Saunders Wood Specialties, where I would be part of the office staff. Also have an interview at St Croix to work on a production line coming up this Wednesday. I have not heard from them yet. I have tons of resumes and applications out at various places, so everyone cross their fingers for me, and something will hit, I'm sure.
We had our first planting!
Bryan and I looked at the brick printer attached to the front of the house. It was full of weeds. There are 4 (I think?) rose bushes planted in there too.
Bryan showed up the other day with a flat of petunia plants! It was a really nice surprise. So I commenced to plant in the brick planter.
First of all, we still have so many boxes around to unpack. Do you think I could find my gardening tools? Ha nope. Bryan found me a plastic bucket, and tiny child's rake, and an old claw hammer. That sufficed.
I pulled all the weeds. The bad thing is, I don't know what plants and/or weeds grow here, so I really am not sure about some of the stuff I pulled out. Dandelions, of course, are universal, And there was some dead crab grass. But there were other plants I could not identify, I think I will get a plant identifying AI app! I left one of the healthier "weeds" to see if it was actually something good.
There were some tiny bulbs of some kind that were barely alive. The one that came up had the leaves chewed off by something (I'm blaming the gray squirrel, but I don't think it's him. Might be deer or rabbits as I have seen both in the neighborhood.) I left it to see if it could be nursed back to health.
The rose bushes, sadly, didn't look like there was any life to them. Just dead sticks. But I left them in, just in case they had something left deep down.
And here are the results!
Because they are super close to the house, I am afraid they won't get much rain water. To water them when I planted, I used a 5-gallon bucket, and one of the cups (with the water draining holes in the bottom) that the plants came in. Just dipped it full of water, then let it shower down on the plants through the drain holes. Worked great! But Bryan thought I would need a watering can. He bought me this:
I think it holds about a gallon of water. I am quite pleased with it! When I first saw it, a verse of "I'm a little teapot" went through my head.
Anyway, that's my story and I'm sticking to it! Please share and comment, and thanks for reading!
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