The House is Officially Listed!

 The house is listed!

Hallelujah!  This was the goal of months and months of planning, working, sweating, crying, bleeding, cleaning, worrying, and general discontent!

And while I was writing this blog, we got our first showing on Saturday March 2!  Whoot!  Then our second came in for 7am tomorrow morning!  We are on a roll!  

In my preliminary blog, I discussed WHEN I should have started to blog.  That's basically how long we have been packing and cleaning and fixing.  It feels good to finally be done with all of that.  I guess I would call that Phase I.  

Phase II, now we wait.  And every day I get up, by 9:00am, I need to have the house show-ready.  Make sure the beds are made.  Do the kitchen work.  Check that the floors are clean.  Move our stuff out of the bathroom and square it away.  Put away the laptops.  Hide the living room blankets and pillows.  Basically go room to room and put things away and straighten up.  

I think I will now implement my cleaning schedule, that I made as a New Year's resolution.  I really have to maintain the show-home appearance.  So I better do it.   Besides, since I no longer have to pack and deep clean, I have nothing better to do, right?  (Except look for a job and work on my new Bookkeeping/Coaching business, right?  There's more blogging ahead for that!) 

No worries.  

Yesterday, also, I got utility payment histories for Shea.  Emailed electric and water/sewer/trash to her.  Still waiting on Xcel Energy.

As an aside, you can look that stuff up online, but I could not figure out how to print or save it to a file.  So I ended up calling the places and having them email me a copy, which I forwarded to Shea.

Forward progress!  Forward progress!  Forward Progress!  That's been my mantra for a while.  And it will keep being my mantra until we are settled in Wisconsin.    


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