Catch Up and Preview

 I didn't write yesterday because it was a crazy hectic day and I was dog tired when it was all over.  

I am writing to you from the park down the street from our house.  The cleaning guy banished me while he did his work.  He will be at it for 3-4 hours.  But that's ok.  The place is going to be spic and span for the owners when they take over.  It was really inexpensive to do, so I asked myself, why climb step stools and such, and stress myself out when I could get someone else to do it?  I feel pretty good about it, just saying.

Yesterday, I had coaching practice early, before class.  Then during class, I had my final coaching session, where I got tested to see if I followed the protocol.   I was pretty nervous.  No real reason to be, but you know how it goes....seemed like all my practice sessions went great, and I was just waiting for what could go wrong, would go wrong while I was being graded on it.  When you pay a pretty penny for a class, you do not want to flunk it!  Anyway, I did just fine.  

Also yesterday, I had an interview with a lady who wants to hire me for spreadsheets and invoicing, 10-20 hours per month.  Since I have started with my first Quickbooks client, this little job will fit right in to what I want to do.  She was impressed with my pending coaching certificate, and asked if I would like to do more than just the bookkeeping stuff.  I said SURE!  So, I think that interview went really well.  I will probably hear from her next week.  

I spent the rest of yesterday getting ready for the house cleaning.  We still had a ton of boxes and furniture scattered around from the carpet cleaning, so we put a whole bunch of things away.  Carpet was dry, so I put all of my "needed" stuff back in my room, and Bryan did his as well.  We took down the dining room table and put that into the trailer, and we got all the chairs and stools packed as well.   

This morning, I got up early and scrubbed the floors.  I know that sounds like I got on hands and knees with a scrub brush, like some poor Amish woman, but no.  I have a Bissel Crosswave.  I did all the wood floors in just about an hour.  Mud season you know, stuff gets tracked in.  I didn't want the cleaning guy to do them; he's needed for other things.  

I was trying to catch Poor Kittie, to put him in his bye-bye box, and I got a phone call from Shea.  The new owners wanted a walk-through on Monday at 2:30.  I said I'd check with Bryan.  I called him, and he said yes, so I texted Shea back to say that was OK.  Resume trying to catch Poor Kittie, and he's of course behind the fridge in the laundry room.  Bryan texted me back, did I say Tuesday?  No Monday.  Meanwhile clock's ticking.  Cleaning guy due any minute, and Poor Kittie is not in the box!  Bry texts, that he has all these appointments on Monday.  So I call him back and ask what he wants to do.  He says he needs to cancel everything.  I said what time are his appointments?  He says, 8am (or something).  I pretty much lost it.  Did he not listen to a word I said?  He had plenty of time to get to those appointments and be back by 2:30.  Meanwhile, Kittie, box, cleaning guy, any minute.  So I kinda yelled at Bryan and hung up on him.  So, now I owe him a big apology.    

I have not lost it very often in this process, so I have to give myself a little credit. And Bry is at his last day of work, and he's busy, and I interrupted a conversation with one of the bosses, so Bry wasn't in a mindset to really think about his answer to me.  So there's that too.  I already texted him I was sorry.  I think I will take him out for a hamburger tonight to show him I appreciate him.  By tonight, a good share of my commitments will be over, and I can relax.    

I think it was Tuesday or Wednesday, the people at work said they would treat Bryan to lunch.  I guess they bought him a hamburger to go, that he ate by himself in the breakroom.  He was kind of forlorn about it.  Is that all they were going to do after 11 years with these people?  But they all got together and surprised him yesterday.  They gathered in the break room for cake, and they showered him with presents!  He was so surprised!  Somewhere, they found this fiber-board giant letter "B", and they all signed it.  They gave him a backpack full of fishing stuff, including a brand new ice fishing rod.  He got several cards, gift cards, and quite a bit of cash.  We are both blown away at the outpouring of friendship.  I guess you really don't know the impact you have on people until you leave and they have to say goodbye. We are going to write a bunch of thank-you notes for him to take on Monday after his appointments.  

So, what's left?  Linda is going to let us store our little trailer at Taylor Rental.  So we are going to load that puppy up with as much as it will hold tomorrow, then run it down to Denver on Sunday.  We will meet with Allen and Linda for lunch, and Gina and Anthony (and Ruby of course) might join us.  Then it's all hands on deck to get the rest of the stuff packed and on the big trailer. 

Meantime, the laundry room needs attention.  I had been wracking my brain about how to do the freezer stuff.  We could not unplug and move the freezer until the very last minute.  But of course Bryan saved the day.  He says, put the stuff in the freezer drawer of the kitchen fridge.  It's staying and won't be unplugged.  Duh.  Rhon-duh!  I didn't even think of it.  Anyway, the laundry room.  We need to move the fridge and freezer out to the trailer.  The laundry set stays but we have to pull them out and clean under and around them, and clean out the washer drain and the dryer vent.  That will likely happen Saturday or who knows when... 

We got a hotel room in Fort Collins on the 10th (the day we close) and will meet Ron and Debra for dinner.  Gina and Anthony (and of course Ruby) may join us then too.  

We have an old Moped that my old boss Joe wanted, so Bryan will deliver that to A-Peak on Monday perhaps, if we have time.  They are giving me my office chair (a nice one) so Bryan will pick that up as well.

I have my written final, to be done online.  It becomes available the morning of the closing.  I thought I would get up early and do it that day, so as to have it over with.  I have two weeks to take it, but I don't want time to get away from me, and perhaps forget it, or have to take it away from my packed up notes and manual.  

My next class starts Thursday 4/11 in the evening.  We will stop traveling for that, maybe get a hotel room.  Also that day, I have a telemedicine appointment with my doctor at 1pm.  We will likely be driving.  So perhaps stop for lunch or something while I do that.  

Then, our calendar is blank.  Empty.  OMG I can't believe it's almost over.  (Except for my class every Thursday night for 12 weeks.  But this class will be much less of a commitment.)   

It seemed like we had all the time in the world.  And once everything fell into place with the house, the time that was left just flew out the door!  I thought it would never get here, and now here we are.  


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