Catch Up On The Trip Out, Namely the Tires

 First of all, today's update.  Bryan bought his lawn tractor on Monday, and he went and got it Tuesday.  He's thrilled!  It's a John Deere 300x.  He's always wanted a yard tractor, even when we had a yard that would not support it.  He's so happy that he could get one finally.  Every time he talks about it, he smiles big.  It's so cute to watch him.   Had I known it would make him so happy, I would have made sure he got one long before now.  

He got a leaf picker-upper.  Not the one he wanted, but this one will suffice until he gets his leaf sucking apparatus.  We have a lot of leaves left in on the ground, and the under side of the deck is literally packed full of them.  So, we have to suck those leaves out somehow.  Our next trip to Tomah will involve finding our rake, that's for sure. 

(Update:  After running the tractor for a while, suddenly it would not start.  Bryan tried everything.  He even thought he needed to charge the battery.  Battery charger was in Tomah, so he had to wait until today see if that worked.  Well, it didn't.  He was working on it, and the thought occurred to him, maybe it needed gas.  He looked.  Sure enough it was empty.  Put gas in it.  Runs great!  He's laughing pretty hard at himself.  Hi, my name is Bryan, and I'm a small engine mechanic.  1st rule of trouble shooting, is there gas in it?  hahaha)   

Speaking of our next trip to Tomah, we went yesterday.  We are stiff and sore, but we got a full load in the trailer and pickup.  

Today we got the trailer about a quarter of the way unloaded.  I found 90% of my kitchen gear, and most of it is unpacked on put away!  I get to cook for real tomorrow! 

(I did grocery shopping, so there will be ingredients!  Hahaha  And I set up the bank account we needed for our "Land Contract" to autopay the payment.  It will be pretty easy.)

Also, internet.  I got the router delivered today, but it refuses to find a signal.  So, the guy is coming on Friday to hook it up.  

Ok, on with the catch up.  Tires.  I was going to tell you about those. 

We left the house in Kremmling at about 9:30am on April 10th.  That was the last time we saw it.  We were heading to the closing in Dillon.  About half way to Silverthorne, we ran into trouble.  Really?!? 15 minutes into an 18 hour journey, and we were already in difficulties?  

What happened was, the forward tire on the passenger side of the trailer did some sort of delaminating thing; the tread came off in one whole belt, and when it flew off, it took the whole trailer fender with it.  I was following behind, and I had trouble believing it was parts of our trailer.  It looked like he had hit something.  Anyway, the fender comes flying off, and because of the wind, it just veered over into the burrow pit.  I didn't have to dodge it or anything.  

But it occurred to me after what seemed like forever that it was indeed parts of our trailer flying off, so I started blinking my brights and swerving into mirror view for Bryan.  He had felt a little jolt, and was just starting to wonder about it, when he saw my wild careening in the mirror.  He pulled off, and I pulled in behind him.  He immediately went to the tire.  Although it had lost its tread, remarkably, the rest of the tire was there and holding air.  He decided to limp it into Silverthorne, because the likelihood of the Kremmling tire shop having that size of trailer tire was pretty low.  We would have better luck in a more populated area.  

We got to the tire shop, and were lucky that they had one tire in stock.  We proceeded to our closing, and down to Fort Collins.  But as we went, Bryan in his truck all by himself, got more and more worried about the other 3 tires.  With good reason!  They were pretty much toast.  So when we got to FoCo, Bryan made an appointment for the next morning to get the other 3 tires replaced.  That's why we were late getting started out of FoCo on the morning of the 11th.  

The fender could not be helped.  Bryan asked if we should go back and get it, and was worried it might still be in the road.  I didn't think so.  I still have the slow-mo picture in my brain of that thing flying through the air off to the west side of the road.  I know I didn't run over it, so it had to have flown free.  Bryan has been worried that he would get a ticket driving around with open wheels on that side of the trailer, but there isn't much we can do...we need that trailer and can't lay it up until we are done moving.  

(We do not condone driving around without a fender over your wheels.  This whole blog is for you to take away from experience and learn from our mistakes.  So please learn from them.  Make sure you have good tires, and if you do lose a fender, get it repaired ASAP!)


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