Jobs, and the Lack Thereof

 Ya, that last post, I didn't notice that it wasn't updating, and when I went to post it, it was all fouled up.  So I posted an earlier version of it, said "To Heck With It!" and went to bed.  Internet issues will clear up any of this type of issue, going forward.   

So, updating you now with anything I missed on the last posting.

Today 4/27:  Bryan is unpacking the trailer and working on my dishwasher.  I'm getting office work caught up, and later will be unpacking the boat load of boxes still left to unpack in the kitchen.  

Yesterday 4/26:  Bryan had an interview with Super One, the grocery here in Park Falls.  It went well.  The only issue with that job is that insurance doesn't start until the 6 month mark.  I can probably get away with being off of insurance that long, but Bryan can't.  So we will see.  He has also had a phone interview with Kwik Trip.  Issues with that are, there's no openings in Park Falls, so Bryan would have to drive an hour.  Also, openings are second and third shift, not ideal.  So we are holding off.  They said call if he decides to take one of them.  Kroger, I guess, is waiting on a job offer from Pic&Save.  Nobody at Kroger seems to know how to do a transfer, we are finding out at long last.  That's why they have all been putting Bryan off.  They don't know how to do it.  

I guess at one point, City Market in Dillon sort of threatened that they were going to terminate Bryan.  That's why he decided to try the Family Leave Act thing, focusing on MY health.  But Kroger could not even get that situated.  We were supposed to get an info packet to initiate that, but it never came.  Bryan discussed that with the City Market people in Dillon yesterdat, and they told him, yes, they really didn't know how to do any of that.  The time frame for the Family Leave has come and gone, and technically, Bryan is supposed to be back at work on Monday 4/29.  Now we find out Pic&Save needs to put in an offer, but Bryan spoke with them yesterday, and there's no indication that an offer is forthcoming.  We can't understand why this has been so hard.  It seems as though there's a bunch of overworked, underpaid, undertrained managers working for Kroger, and it's really not their fault.  All they can focus on is the tasks at hand, getting through the day in the store.  They have no time for anything extra, and of course, it's too complicated to just take care of in an hour.  So they put it off.  We just wish somebody would do something.  But meanwhile, even though Bryan is not working and not getting paid, our health insurance is still valid and we are using it. 

I have not heard back from Barry Wehmiller.  Kind of sad about that.  It would have been a perfect job.  Once again, I am betting that my age had something to do with it.  They don't ask you outright, but they ask when you graduated from college and high school.  Screws me every time.  I have an appointment with the Wisconsin Workforce Center on Tuesday 4/30, so I'm trying to be patient until then.

Everyone claims to be SO short handed, yet neither of us can get hired on.  Are they doing this to everyone?  If you aren't an EXACT perfect fit, they don't want you.  They would rather go on short handed than hire someone that might need a little training.  I don't get it.   

It's not like we are asking for a handout or anything.  We are asking to WORK for God's sake.  We are awesome workers.  We do our jobs, and we were both indispensable and smart about what we were doing.  Why Why Why can't anyone see that?  I mean, what's to stop a younger person from leaving after 6 months, a year, 2 years?  They all job hop!  Why am I such a risk of that?  My last job I lasted 8 years.  Bryan's was 11 years.  I do not get it.   

Anyway, enough of my diatribe on the job market.  Somehow something will work out for one or both of us.  We keep laughing about the luck we used up with the house falling into our laps.  No more luck for us!  We used it all!

 Oh well, can't spend the day moping about it!  I got stuff to do, and those darn boxes aren't going to unpack themselves!  

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