Yay! The conundrum of the two trailers is solved!
We didn't know what to do with the fact that we had two trailers that needed to be gone from the house when we close. We used to tow the little trailer around with the Hyundai or the old Escape. But New Escape doesn't have a hitch. We could not think of anyone to ask to haul the little trailer clear to Wisconsin.
But the issue is resolved!
The 5x7 trailer is safely in storage at Taylor Rental in Lakewood. Bryan has to come back in June for some medical appointments, so we will be able to pick it up then. We took it down there today, and Allen and Linda gave us a nice going-away brunch.
I am studying tonight for my final exam, and Bryan has loaded up the moped.
My old boss wants the moped, so we are giving it to him. He is giving me my chair. So Bryan will swap the moped with the chair tomorrow early. Then he has an appointment with his Occupational Therapist, then drop off some thank you notes at City Market, and have coffee with one of his coworkers. He should be back for the buyer to walk through the house at 12:00pm. We are going to move big pieces of furniture when he gets home, namely the dining room hutch and the fridge and freezer. Then we have the buyer doing a walk through tomorrow at 2:30pm
My plan tomorrow is to pack the rest of the kitchen, clean the microwave, and get ready for the walk-through. I am going to run the washer/dryer all day tomorrow. I am going to do a final dishwasher run tomorrow.
I think my best bet is to put together a punch list tonight that will have every task on it, so we don't forget anything.
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