Shelving, Updates, and What's Coming

 First an update:

We are still fighting that John Deere.  It sucks that we paid so much money for the darn thing, and have had so many problems with it.  Reminds us of Gina's Neon.  It had one failed sensor after another.  This one has one failed safety switch after another.  We are putting some more switches in it this week, so we will see if we get anywhere.  

Bryan is looking for substantial snow removal tools and methods.  It's a long sloping driveway, so we will need reliable and easy snow removal, or my car will never make it out of the garage in the winter.  Now that I know I have to work, it's a critical issue.  

We got the raised beds delivered.  Some assembly required.  We are about half way through putting them together.  So stay tuned.  

Bryan put up shelves pretty much everywhere!  He put me a set of shelves and a closet rod in the laundry room.  He put up that old set of coat hooks with a hat rack.  He put that in the little passthrough under the stairs between the kitchen and the living room.  (Not sure if any of you remember it, but it used to hang in the garage on Welch Street.  It must have belonged to Bry's parents or grandparents.  Definitely an antique).  This will be where *I* will hang my coats, purse, and keys.  (Bryan has a couple coat hooks right by the back door, but there's not enough to share with me, and not enough room to put more.)  Bryan put up a hutch type set of shelves over his desk.  And I think he got some shelving work done in his bedroom (I haven't looked in there.)

Here's the closet rod shelving in the laundry room.  Needed that for hanging my clothes instead of using the dryer.  More storage on top, YAY!

Here's the coat hanger/hat rack unit.  With my keys hanging from it.  Will be happy to hang stuff up here.  (We have a coat closet by the back door, but we go in and out so much, it's nice to just throw our coat on a hook.  Just easier.)

Bryan's desk hutch.  He's using the old "insurance lady" desk that the insurance lady in Walden gave him while he was at the Park Market.  I inherited it for the house in Walden, my bedroom on Range Ave. in Kremmling, and our big office on Kinsey Ave. in Kremmling.  When I had it on Kinsey, I had those old shelves (from the shelf units in the living room on Welch Street) and a bunch of milk crates.  Bryan wanted to use the milk crates for something else, so he built a new hutch out of wood.  

Bryan and I have established a weekly family meeting, every Sunday morning, to look at our plans and organize things we want to get done.  At some point we will find the big white board (we think it's still in the trailer!) where we will put all our projects.  Until that time, I have a monthly white board calendar on the laundry room fridge that will suffice.  It's been really fun to get this going!

Bryan had a chance Wednesday off this week, and he went to check out the Farmer's Market.  It was slightly unimpressive because the farmers are still fighting mud and too much moisture.  The wind had come up and so Bryan helped the maple syrup guy hold on to his canopy.  Bry bought us some Bavarian sweet cakes, which were pretty yummy.  He found the prices expensive compared to the grocery store.  Not great if you want to buy stuff, but good for the time when we want to sell stuff.  

Still working hard (hardly working) at our jobs.  Means to an end.   Getting us through to retirement.

Now, for what's coming:

I have realized that you all came into our journey somewhat after the fact that we determined to do
it.  I think I should write about how the idea originated.  We did not share our entire thought process with everyone at the time because we didn't know if it would ever come to fruition.  I think over the next couple weeks, I'm going to write a little every couple days and try to describe it to you.  So stay tuned on that too.  

More things to watch for in the future:  The planting of the raised beds.  Putting up the greenhouse.  Rototilling, because it's actually drying up enough to do so.  I have also had a request to take pictures of my daily commute, because it is really pretty.  I want to do that for you too.  And I'm thinking of doing a Facebook page.  It will make this easier to share and comment.  

So....please share and comment!  Can't wait for you all to see our continued results!


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